Tuesday, June 7, 2011


"Do you have a moment, I would like to speak to you. It's somewhat important, please message me as soon as you can." It was at this point that I felt as though my heart would burst from the heavy pounding. I didn't want to go through with my plan. But, just like always, its not about what I want. After-all it truly doesn't matter because it's about your happiness not mine.

6:30 am-- As my phone vibrated I became anxious. Anxious to hear the rehearsed reply to what I would soon tell my Insignificant Other. How would I begin to even utter the words?  Seconds after exchanging hellos seemed like minutes and even hours. I needed to just say it. Go on with this manipulative plan that will rid you of my "ugly" life--so you may live a happy perfect one.

"I love you." I said.

Momentary silence. As I thought did I really just say that! I waited for the rejection to slap me across my face. My phone vibrated.

"I love you too."

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