Monday, June 20, 2011


Many people tell me that I tend to over think. Now that I think about it, I do. I did just that.

I thought through every reason why you did not answer my call. I started to have mixed feelings; even remembered who I was. I remembered that I am the girl with the secret. All the old emotions that I used to feel came rushing back. I became sad. Even if you did have a good reason for not answering my call, it suddenly didn't matter.

I lollygaged for the next hour in pure disgust of myself. I had the nerve to expect something. HA! I knew I needed to get rid of you. If I didn't, my secret would come out. If it did, you would hate me. My secret is not something that could be neglected and passed up. My secret is one that burns. One that hurts if revealed. My secret is a secret which will change everything. I was selfish with you.

"Sorry, I just woke up," your message read.

Hesitantly, I responded just to assure you I was not mad.  In my mind I was debating whether or not I should mention that I called. I figured you must have saw the out of area number. I decided that I will wait until it comes up.

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